David is a highly experienced Tennis Manager and Coach with 35 years experience in Tennis Development programmes through positions in clubs, schools and for the LTA.
He has extensive on-court knowledge and proven experience as a Level 5 coach demonstrated by very successful roles with Suffolk LTA as County Development Officer and as Director of Tennis for Culford School for 13 years , which has taken the school to be the number 1 co-educational tennis school in Great Britain.

How can we establish or improve your programme?
Provide a vision for moving tennis forwards as a catalyst for change in your club or school
Provide expert knowledge, skills and experience to get people playing tennis, more often
Develop a player pathway that nurtures pupils, teams and promotes leadership
Provide appropriate and motivating competition
Develop and build partnerships in the Community.

Benefits to Clubs
Increase participation and revenue from coaching courses.
Grow club membership and increase income for the Club.
Appoint and mentor a coach as a key point of contact linking activity across the partnership.
Assist teachers in developing an expanded coaching and competitive programme at the school site.
Develop a network of activity in local Primary Schools with the creation of a ‘hub site’ as an exit route.

Benefits to Schools
Attract potential new pupils and create a unique advantage over nearby schools.
Establish a reputation for tennis excellence through success in local and national competitions and attract talented players to the School on Tennis programme packages and /or Tennis Scholarships.
Promote the brand name of the School in local Community and increase revenue from use of your facilities.
Areas of Support
Staff Development and recruitment- To support the appointment, mentoring and development of coaching and PE staff. To deliver staff in-set tennis training.
Facility Development- To assist in the audit and application process for new facilities and grant-aid and sponsorship advice.
Programme delivery- To provide lesson plans, set-up coaching and competitive programmes and develop leadership for older juniors.
Budget planning- To provide support with financial planning, monitoring and decision-making processes to ensure the viability of programmes and projects.
Business and Action plans – To assist in the content for Business plans and Tennis Development Action Plans ensuring targets are specific, measurable and achievable within a defined timescale.
Event and project support-To establish links to LTA initiatives and projects and example events using experience from real life delivery.
Community links- To establish partnerships between local schools and clubs, programme delivery support and commercial financial planning.

Case Study - Culford School
A Case Study showing the development of a highly successful Tennis. programme implemented by David Hall 2005-2018.
In 2005 I realised a ‘gap in the market’ for tennis within the Bury St Edmunds area and developed a Community tennis programme called ‘Centre Court Tennis’, based at Culford School...